3 Simple Snack Recipes You Should Try at Home
May 24, 2023

While we’re all stuck at home, we might as well take the opportunity to try out some new recipes! Here are four simple snack recipes that you can make with ingredients you probably already have in your kitchen.

  1. Chocolate chip cookies: Everyone loves a classic chocolate chip cookie. It’s quick and easy, and you can easily double or triple the batch if you want to make extras.
  2. Peanut butter and jelly sandwiches: A classic PB&J is the perfect comfort food. It’s simple to make and can be tailored to your liking – use any type of bread or nut butter, and add whatever jam or fruit you have on hand.
  3. Cheese and crackers: This one is more of a guideline than a recipe – create a quick and easy cheese and crackers board with your favorite gourmet cheese.

Chocolate Chip Cookies

There’s nothing more classic than a chocolate chip cookie, and a recipe from Sally’s Baking Addiction is the perfect way to get your fix. These cookies are made with brown sugar, butter, and semisweet chocolate chips, and they’re guaranteed to be some of the best you’ve ever had. Be sure to use a good quality chocolate for the chips – we recommend Ghirardelli or Trader Joe’s. If you want to get really fancy, you can even add a few chopped nuts or a drizzle of white chocolate on top.

Peanut Butter and Jelly Sandwich

There’s nothing quite like a classic PB&J sandwich. Peanut butter and jelly are the perfect combination of sweet and savory, and they’re so easy to make at home. Here’s how to make the perfect PB&J sandwich:

First, start with a piece of bread. You can use any type of bread you like, but we recommend a nice, fluffy white bread. Spread a layer of peanut butter on one side of the bread, and then add your favorite jelly or jam on top. We love grape jelly or strawberry jam for this sandwich, but feel free to experiment with other flavors. Once you’ve added your toppings, simply put another piece of bread on top and enjoy!

Cheese and Crackers

There’s nothing quite like a classic cheese and crackers snack. And while it may be simple, there are still a few tips and tricks to make sure your cheese and crackers are the best they can be.

First, when it comes to choosing your cheese, go for quality over quantity. A few well-chosen pieces of cheese will taste better than a big hunk of something generic. If you’re not sure what to choose, ask your local cheesemonger for their recommendations.

As for the crackers, again, go for quality over quantity. Stick to brands that you know and love, or experiment with some gourmet options. And don’t be afraid to mix and match! Different cheeses pair well with different kinds of crackers, so get creative and see what you like best.

Finally, when putting together your cheese and crackers snack, take the time to arrange everything nicely on a plate or cutting board. It’ll make the snack look more appetizing and inviting – perfect for impressing guests!